Phase 1

Year 1 & 2 Pre-Clinical

Content for Year 1 & 2 will be delivered in the form of lectures within the units and supplemented with interactive small group work teaching related to the lecture content, faciliated by the unit leads and Clinical Teaching Fellows.

In semester 4, we will teach three interactive imaging anatomy sessions; you will be able to scroll through imaging studies on your own devices and review the important anatomic structures seen on imaging studies and their clinical relevance.


Recap of medical imaging modalities for Year 2 v2.pdf

Body Logistics:

Introduction to Medical Imagingimaging modalities, radiation safety, contrast, and examples of uses of imaging, by Dr Ruth Shanley.

Dr Shanley's lecture is available here and we recommend you refer back to this prior to your semester 2, 3 and 4 lectures.


Musculoskeletal system:

Cardiovascular system:


Reproductive system:

Respiratory system:

Head & Neck, & Neuroanatomy:

Gastrointestinal system:

Urinary system:


Guided imaging anatomy seminars:

The first of these imaging anatomy sessions took place in March 2024. We have extensively annotated and labelled normal and disease cross-sectional imaging studies.

During these sessions, we guide you through the key anatomic structures as seen on cross-sectional imaging, their relationship to other structures, and how knowledge of this anatomy aids in interpreting those studies in which there is a disease process. 

The document with the case links and replays of the April 2024 seminars are available for you to access now.

Interactive cross sectional imaging anatomy case list March 2024.pdf